Most people make new year's resolutions...well I do too, but I never put that much thought into them, really. They never stick, and I have the spring semester at school to keep me busy enogh to NOT fulfill the resolution. So who am I kidding, NY resolutions are for the cows! (bahahaha, cows instead of birds). I am a teacher and we have much different times of the year that we set up our goals. Summertime = eternally the same goal. I WILL WORKOUT AND GET IN SHAPE! At least most of us make this goal. We've got the time so why shouldn't we workout?? Ha! Do you know how lazy we get n the summer? We put in some SERIOUS time throughout the school year, so summer makes us turn into bums. This year I decided I wasn't going to let that happen. And I must say I have done well. I'm not by any means where I want to be, but I've got good momentum going now. So there, I've stuck to A goal. I will be expecting my parade next week.
But really, my most important goals come at the beginning of a new school year. These are the goals that are most important for me to keep. I can always make the goal to be more organized BUT it's gonna be what it's gonna be (and it's not so bad). My goal this next school year is to LET IT GO. Let go the things I have no control over, the things I cannot change. If I do that then being positive, not complaining, etc. will fall into place. So that's it. It's that simple.