Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I swear when she runs she runs like a mix between Kermit the Frog & the Six Million Dollar Man

I think Phoebe would agree, there's nothing as motivating when getting ready for a run as a tutu!
This beautiful creation is for the Dash Down Greenville 5k on Saturday before the St. Patty's Day parade!!  I tried to get Philip to let me make him one but he may be a bit too "manly" to rock the tutu. 
Running is something, I have discovered, I love.  My ambition told me that I could train for a half marathon. As many of you know I have spent a lot of time running over the past year.  I really enjoyed it and felt good about it until.... I got up to 6 miles and hit a big old mental block and that is where the story ended.  Why you ask?  My best guess is this:
My mind literally gave up.  Over-ambition was the evil culprit that caused me to mentally give up and move on to the next thing I deemed worthy for my fitness.  The problem was that each time we ran we immediately upped the ante.  We ran 4 miles one day, the next run was 4.5, the one after that would be 5 miles, and so on and so forth. All the way up to 6 miles - the crappiest run ever, so I gave up.  That was a month ago I believe.  So now I am viewing this 5k as my "frienaissance" with running

My goal Saturday is to do my best, whatever that may be!  And from this run I will build up my running the RIGHT way - gradually.  Everything else in my workout routine is gradual, but it is also programs that are being spelled out for me.  I Will mirror this in my running and I foresee a half marathon in my future :)  So my plan is to build up my endurance very gradually - when I hit 5 miles I will practice and get good at that 5 miles before moving on to the next milestone.  Seems like a good plan to me!

1 comment:

  1. I agree and I totally love that your titles are always Friends quotes, which I think is brilliant!
