Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I want to quit the gym!

Everything you have in here is very heavy! -Chandler

Have you ever been so sore you went to use the restroom, squatted halfway down and your legs gave out from under you and you just fell. Yeah. The pain. The awesome, horrible pain. Without it I would feel as if I had wasted my hour at the gym, never to get that hour back.
So I am off and running with my new "plan." Feeling very motivated and very successful due to the fact that I have discovered new muscles I didn't know I had. They hurt. They hurt badly. As always Jamie Eason's LiveFit trainer is a huge part of my routine, but I think what is really pushing my muscles over the edge is that flingin' flangin' ZCUT! I love it. I hate it. I curse a lot at Zuzka whilst doing it. I am on day 3 and I am both looking forward to and dreading the workout.
So the question remains: Can I keep up this momentum? I seem to be having déjà vu! I do believe last year I began a similar journey with LiveFit and super clean eating! Hmmmmmmm. What sent me astray? I do know I lost my momentum as summer started. I lost my routine with school ending and wandered, lost and confused.....all the way to the pool! Pool time is my super weakness. I heart it so much I abandoned my routine and much loved LiveFit, for blue waters and hot rays of sun. Boo on me!
How do I keep my momentum then?? I do believe this time I am going to HAVE to view this new journey as a true lifestyle change. I am 31. I need to do it now and make the decision that this is not a quick fix. This is not a fad diet. This is a lifestyle that I truly need to commit too. So I will do my LiveFit at the gym. I will do my ZCUT at home. And I will eat the healthiest I can- life happens. I will let life happen, in moderation of course. I have also set a deadline on my workout jar!! $1 for every workout day and I am not allowed to touch the money until the end of the 12 week ZCUT program (6/2). Oh, what will I buy....
Day 3 ZCUT and day 33 of LiveFit! Let me know if you have any questions about either of these programs - I am we'll versed on LiveFit and am becoming more familiar with ZCUT as I go along. They are both awesome routines!

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